Leading With Change + Innovation

Keynote Speaker. Bestselling Author. Strategic Consultant.


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“If you really want to know about business, you should refer to Scott Steinberg.” -Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group



As a parent of a young child, you’re probably wondering what types of technologies, apps, and devices are OK for pre-schoolers to consume. After all, technology is everywhere these days from cell phones to computers, tablets, and video games—but some high-tech options are more appropriate for older children. [...]

As your kids enter their socially awkward middle-school years, they’re not only growing into respectable members of society, they’re also officially entering the digital domain. At this stage, they’ll begin securing their own e-mail accounts; instant messaging and chatting; and, potentially, taking possession of their very own mobile [...]

As we’ve noted in several articles and research reports, kids can now be reached almost anywhere thanks to mobile phones. Today’s portable devices offer a host of other connected options, but still retain the standard ability for kids to call each other and chat. There are even programs [...]

A recent National Health and Nutrition Survey found that obesity rates among youth have dramatically increased in the last 25 years, and many experts are pointing to time spent on the Internet and playing games as potential reasons. What’s more, there are other health issues that technology use [...]

High-tech devices, social networks, and downloadable apps are now essential communications tools, and an everyday part of personal and professional life. But what does proper etiquette look like in an online + connected world? How do modern manners apply in the digital and social age? And what are [...]

Looking for a great Father’s Day gift idea? You came to the right spot! Not only is a great time of year for the entire family to have some fun, with school out and the weather heating up. It’s also the perfect time to celebrate Dad, show him [...]

Do you need a keynote speaker for a Boston event? A motivational speaker who can inspire your team to innovate, spot trends and grow the company exponentially? Maybe someone who can help you make sense of industry trends, and changing consumer demand? Whatever your requirements from a keynote [...]

Researching the best keynote speakers in Miami, Florida? This waterfront paradise is a city best known for its gorgeous beaches, vibrant nightlife, and stunning, Latin-tinged culture. But when it comes down to business, Miami is a go-to spot for conventions and company gatherings. Vital to the success of [...]