Leading With Change + Innovation

Keynote Speaker. Bestselling Author. Strategic Consultant.


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“If you really want to know about business, you should refer to Scott Steinberg.” -Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group

Content Marketing: Hints, Tips and Advice

Content marketing–the practice of producing articles, videos, podcasts and other compelling assets–is among the most powerful ways to promote meetings, events and destinations today. But are you really getting the most from your campaigns? Here are several ways to take creative material you have already invested in and extend its value to drive added promotional value and website traffic at minimal cost.

Create an eBook. Already been sharing hints and tips or ways to plan more powerful events on your company blog? Compile it into an eBook or guide as a unique takeaway that also cements your business’ expertise. PDF files suitable for reading on computers or mobile devices can easily be created by graphic designers, or exported from Microsoft Word, while services like Lulu.com and CreateSpace provide affordable print-on-demand capabilities. For added impact, consider updating material and adding new chapters to prior works, then promoting media awareness around the launch of new editions.

Design a Podcast Series. An HD webcam (available under $100) or smartphone with audio/video recording capabilities is all it takes to start your own virtual radio or TV show for online distribution. Currently find yourself speaking at events or constantly providing advice to customers? Record sound bites and remix them into downloadable programs featuring highlights as well. Where possible, dovetail with other promotions, e.g. piggybacking off your newly-published eBook to create an audio series on similar topics, to help raise awareness.

Break Content Into Parts. Have a lengthy brochure or whitepaper that contains tons of great info? Consider breaking it into a set of standalone articles for online sharing. Running groups of posts can be themed and linked together via a master page, and promoted as a running series. Couple these programs with community and PR outreach efforts, and you can both advertise key themes and keep dialogue and awareness levels high for weeks at a time.

Repurpose Visual Assets. Got a ton of great photos and images handy? Look for ways to bring all together, whether as a picture gallery (“Year’s Hottest Special Events”), montage (“5 Destinations to Watch”), social media series (“Best Places to Hold Your Meeting”) or infographic (“The Year’s Top Technology Trends”) that quickly conveys useful information. You might even create microsites designed to showcase all, or pair visual materials with corresponding articles and videos, creating the online equivalent of eye-catching brochures.

Repackage and Represent Content. Sitting on a mountain of preexisting online material? Try creating a master round-up post that serves as a one-stop reference. Likewise, updating past content with new information and opinions can help you create an expanded director’s cut. You can also enhance and revise previously published material, providing fresh insight or adding a new spin on prior observations. Making things easy to find and routinely refreshing the presentation of popular articles or posts can help keep audiences coming back for more.

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