Leading With Change + Innovation

Keynote Speaker. Bestselling Author. Strategic Consultant.


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“If you really want to know about business, you should refer to Scott Steinberg.” -Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group



With the abundance of online content, it’s easy for kids to pick and choose snippets of information to use in blogs, essays, and assignments and claim it as their own. Sometimes, kids may not realize that they are doing something wrong by copying others’ work, and sometimes actions [...]

As a parent of a young child, you’re probably wondering what types of technologies, apps, and devices are OK for pre-schoolers to consume. After all, technology is everywhere these days from cell phones to computers, tablets, and video games—but some high-tech options are more appropriate for older children. [...]

As your kids enter their socially awkward middle-school years, they’re not only growing into respectable members of society, they’re also officially entering the digital domain. At this stage, they’ll begin securing their own e-mail accounts; instant messaging and chatting; and, potentially, taking possession of their very own mobile [...]