Leading With Change + Innovation

Keynote Speaker. Bestselling Author. Strategic Consultant.


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“If you really want to know about business, you should refer to Scott Steinberg.” -Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group

Future of Work Expert: The Future of Cloud and Digital Transformation

Future of work experts and keynote speakers frequently remind that in a world of growing digital transformation and greater need for real-time business decisioning and insight, you can’t afford for mission-critical systems to stall, even as the hybrid cloud and IT environment they that they operate in is becoming more complex and convoluted with each passing month. As future of work experts and keynote speakers are also quick to point out as well, though: Typical management tools do not provide the level or depth of ongoing monitoring that IT staff needs to efficiently avoid or remediate errors that cause SAP service outages – a challenge that new open-source, cloud-native solutions increasingly aim to address. Noting that SAP applications underpin most of the world’s most mission-critical systems, even as the pace at which new technological trends are emerging continues to accelerate, these types of online tools offer user-friendly, cloud-native solutions that can streamline operating a modern enterprise’s IT backbone – and make the process of maintaining and upkeeping it more maintenance-free. Just ask your favorite future of work experts and keynote speakers: From automated service discovery and operations to greater observability and enhanced system configuration, these tools in many way point to where the future of IT management will head… and offer SAP admins a solution that they can count on when the going gets complicated, not to mention one that allows their peers to reliable innovate online at enterprise scale.

A few questions that you’ll want to keep in mind and consider as you look to the future of digital transformation and cloud-based business:

Q: Enterprises operate in an increasingly fast-moving and complex IT world – how do online, cloud-native technology platforms now offer advanced high-tech tools and solutions to match?

Q: Why is it only becoming growingly vital for organizations to ensure that mission-critical systems stay up and running?

Q: What does it take for enterprises to ensure maximum uptime in a commercial and IT environment that’s only becoming more volatile and unpredictable with each passing day?

Q: Agility and flexibility are fast-becoming sources of competitive advantage for organizations – how are today’s solutions providers working to provide users with the tools they need to stay fast and loose going forward?

Q: Just how important to a business’ operations are its SAP applications and mission-critical systems, especially given the pace at which today’s operating environment now moves?

Q: SAP service outages may not be the first thing that business executives think of as they work to reinvent their organizations for the digital age – why should they be top of mind going forward?

Q: What types of common issues and concerns do network and system administrators typically deal with in today’s business world – and in what ways are a new range of technology platforms helping them combat these concerns?

Q: Organizations are focused on growth and innovation – why is it also important to focus on the technology that supports these goals?

Q: Just how mission-critical will the use of open source solutions and initiatives be to building a competitive and capable business going forward?

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